Monday, January 30, 2012

Monday Monday

On Monday I try to be productive. Right now it is my only full day at home and I try to make the most of it. I love the feeling of getting things done. I am one of those people who has a very hard time being lazy and I feel like I must do something productive during the day or that day has been a flop. So today I have grocery shopped, washed and folded clothes, baked and worked on a crafty project. I'm feeling pretty good so far! Usually after Monday my productivity goes WAY down so I'm trying to get as much done today as I can.
These are the granola bars I made today, I found the recipe here. They are delicious!

The Little One is napping right now so I had time to indulge in some tea and a muffin that I made earlier. I found the recipe here. I was a little skeptical about cooking with oat flour, but as I explore this healthier eating bit I'm finding that it's quite common (I used it in the granola bars too).

It hasn't been all work though, the Little One and I took a trip outside this morning and picked these beauties.

Things are blooming like crazy around here! It is nice to have these pops of color around during winter, if you can call this Florida weather winter, that is.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Real Food Challenge

Soooo there hasn't been a Real Food Challenge post in awhile has there? I got off track when Christmas rolled around and I haven't picked it back up since. I am thinking I may suspend the weekly challenges for awhile. Right now I am focusing on how to feed our family healthy food on a tiny budget. Let me tell you it is not easy. It is really tempting to just pick up six packages of Ramen noodles for $1.00 and let my husband eat those for lunch (he loves them, he would not be offended at all if I made this choice). We are learning to stretch our leftovers and doing our best not to waste anything. Before we always had produce that went bad and ended up in our compost, just wasted money. Now there is a lot less of that- it still happens but not nearly as much.

I am trying to find recipes that fit into the healthy category but do not cost so much. Instead of purchasing quinoa we eat brown rice, we have cut out meat several times a week since it is so expensive. The hubby sometimes has a hard time not having meat but we are adjusting.

Made this recipe from Clean Eating Magazine. Loved it!

My sister pointed me to this great blog that has simple recipes, with 5 ingredients or less. I am going to try this one next week. I have never been very good with coming up with creating a recipe on my own, I am very much a recipe follower. I think that I may have to get creative though. If anyone has any simple, budget friendly meals PLEASE send them my way!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

The Little One's Nursery

I just posted details about the Little One's nursery here, take a look!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

My Man.

This week I was thinking out loud, wondering what I should blog about this week. My husband jokingly said, "write a blog about me!" I rolled my eyes and continued to think about possible topics.

Then I thought about it and he deserves some space on this little blog of mine. He is one of the ones who encouraged me to start blogging and always has something nice to say about what I post. My husband is my high school sweet heart and we have been together for almost 10 years. He is the only person I have ever dated. I am not the same person I was 10 years ago (thankfully) and either is he. We have both grown and learned so much together. One of the things I love most about my husband is that he brings out the adventurer in me and always encourages me to step out and do whatever it is that I am passionate about. He is a man of faith that strives to be the man that God created him to be.

Fresh out of high school!

Ever since our Little One arrived it has been hard to find our groove as a couple while being parents. I assume that this is something every couple deals with when a they become responsible for another human life. We are figuring it out though and to see him act as a dad is one of the hottest things!

He can always make me smile.

I love him

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Our after Holiday Fun

I told you all that the Little One was sick, now she has so lovingly decided to share that sickness with me. boo. Being sick and being a full-time mom is not fun. All I want to do is crawl in bed and sleep but there is a baby that needs to be fed, have her diaper changed, and watched over. Right now she is refusing her nap and I do not have the energy to much about it so she is laying in her crib doing her new favorite thing- spitting. No one is upset and everyone is safe, so that is what we are doing right now.

Having a sick baby is a hard thing so all of last week was hard. Watching her be poked and prodded, watching her scream as they x-rayed her chest, administering medicine that she HATED, all of this was a little heart breaking. I felt helpless as she wailed during her breathing treatments. I cringed as I discovered the very red and painful diaper rash caused by her antibiotics. I am thankful that what she had was mild and there was no hospital visit because I know that as hard as this was that would have been worse. I am thankful that we go to a doctor who personally calls to check on us. Though I am exhausted I am thankful.

Waiting to pick up our nebulizer last week, I could NOT get her to smile.

At home breathing treatment- at least the mask is cute.

Finally feeling better! YAY!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Our Christmas in Pictures

Yes I know I am behind. We have already made it through the first week of the new year and I am just now looking at our Christmas pictures. Let me tell you it has been a little crazy, I am hoping this next week is a little calmer.

The Little One is in the midst of her first illness, she caught RSV and has been to the doctor three times in the past week. We had to get our very own nebulizer (just what every family wants) and we are doing breathing treatments at home. There has been coughing, snot, diarrhea, horrible diaper rash and a lot of just being plain pitiful. We are on the upside though! She is seeming much more herself and we are trying to regain some sense of normalcy.

So this is why Christmas pictures are just now appearing. Enjoy!

Our Sugar Cookies:

Opening presents:

Otis even got in on the action.

Game time!

 We had a really great Christmas, busy, but great. It was wonderful to be with family and have a good time!
