Summer is going by so much faster than I though it would, but then again so is life. I cannot believe that my baby is going to one year in less than 2 months! Where did the time go?!
Our days have consisted of walks, the park, playing in the kiddie pool in the backyard, playing at the big pool near Nana's house and making the trip to the Hubby's work so mom can have a sno-cone.
This Little One misses her Daddy during the day and gets so excited when he comes home to play!
I made her that shirt, I was so happy to finally finish something for her.
This girl loves the water!
I am not much of a pink tutu kind of girl but what little girl doesn't look cute in one? I couldn't resist putting her in this and taking some pictures.
This is one of my favorite pictures that I have taken of her so far. She is dressed in a shirt that was handed down from my grandma. Don't you love those ducks?
Have I mentioned that I love having a garden? Well I do. This is my third year gardening at home and while I am no master gardener it brings me great joy to watch over and love on some plants with the hope that they will provide me with some produce.
Here it's all organic, free of pesticides and chemicals...this does cause me some frustration though. Pickle worms have been the end of many of my vegetables over the past three years and it seems nothing will keep them away, except that which I refuse to use.
Nothing got the tomatoes this year though! I have never done so well with tomatoes before, I have just been giddy when I go out into the garden and come back with more tomatoes than I can fit in my fists. You can only eat so many salads with tomatoes so this year I had to find something else to do with my lovely batch of tomatoes before they went bad. So I am making my very own marinara sauce.
Who knew that preserving tomatoes was such a process? It took me a couple of hours to blanch, shock, peel and de-seed my small batch of tomatoes.
They are pretty aren't they? I grew three different varieties and they are each wonderful!
I had a little observer, she ate some cucumber that the pickle worms didn't get too.
Now they are waiting to be made into sauce...I can't wait to taste it!
The family headed to the beach this past weekend for some much needed time away. Watching the Little One explore the beach was the highlight for me, she started out scared of the waves and ended the weekend crawling into them! I think we have one fearless baby.
Now we are back home and back into the routine. The hubby's job picks up majorly next week so I am not looking forward to that. I have gotten really spoiled having him around for most of the mornings and now he will be leaving before I wake up and won't be home till dinner. I am hoping to pick up the blogging, I am trying to set aside some time just to write...we will see if it works. I hope you all are enjoying the start of summer!