Awhile back I ran across the 100 Days of Real Food blog and was excited by the whole concept. The author started her blog with a challenge for her family to eat 'real food' for 100 days. You can see her rules for real food here, but basically it's eating foods that are whole and/or minimally processed. On her blog there are recipes and helpful meal plans to encourage people to take the 100 days challenge.
I was a little overwhelmed with cutting out all processed food for 100 days, so I thought I might do the 10 day challenge- but right now with the new baby a week without Chick-fil-a or pizza probably is not going to happen. So I'm taking baby steps and doing 100days of mini challenges. The first week is Fruits and Vegetables: adding two servings of either fruit or vegetables to each meal. I started Monday and have been successful so far. There has been smoothies for breakfast, carrots and hummus with lunch and soups with veggies for dinner. I've planned the rest of week out so hopefully I will meet my goal!
My husband was quite curious as to why I wanted to do this and thought I was just plain crazy when I talked about cutting out all processed food for 100 days. Since I toned it down and am only doing the mini challenges I think he may be more on board. I just want to be healthy since I am not only feeding myself but my daughter as well. If I happen to lose the last bit of baby weight by cutting out more processed food and adding in more fruits and veggies then I won't complain!
That's awesome! Go you! We've pretty much been forced to be that way and I definitely feel so much better. It gets easier the longer you stick with it! Share some recipes if you find some really good ones please. :)