With the Little One turning one, it was cause for a little party. We were not only celebrating her birthday but the fact that her Daddy and I survived our first year of parenting. I heard (or saw on Pinterest) someone say that just because motherhood is common, doesn't make it easy. That has stuck with me this year because I have felt overwhelmed at this massive responsibility more than a few times.
I am not too much of a party girl, large amounts of people tend to suck the energy right out of me, but I do love to decorate for one! So I spent some time paper crafting weeks before our little shindig. Since our budget doesn't have party supplies included in it I had to figure out how to create some cuteness out of a few dollars. Let me say that I am thankful for those 40% off coupons that JoAnns sends out! I also spread out my spending so it didn't take away but a tiny bit away from the bank account at a time.
I only used a few supplies:
ribbon, scrapbook paper, dowels, pushpins, paint, balloons and a paper bag
I already had a lot of ribbon left over from other projects and I even used some that had been attached to gift bags when I was really getting low. The biggest expense was the pack of scrapbook paper which was $19.99, but I used that lovely 40% off coupon for that! So here is what I was able to do:

Don't those cupcakes look yummy? Oh they were. My sister, who is a master cupcaketress made those for us. The sweet hubs was really into making the Little One's cake. He worked really hard to make a cake shaped like our dog, since the Little One is so in love with him.

Didn't he do such a great job? She smashed that cake to bits though!

We also had balloons on the chandelier and in the doorways in addition to her high hair, but I didn't get any pictures of those.
After the cake was smashed we went outside to get clean, it was good fun!

Our family crammed into our little house to celebrate with us, and showered the Little One with gifts and lots of love. We thoroughly enjoyed celebrating this special occasion!
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The house is quiet except for the crickets coming through the baby monitor. We have one of those giraffes that lulls your baby to sleep with different soothing sounds, the Little One likes the crickets the best.
I am sitting here in the quietness wandering what to write about. I am not sure if I have ever shared why I started this little blog. A little over a year ago I started a little Etsy shop of a few crochet items. I love yarn and I love the feeling I get when I have created an item that will be treasured and loved on. I love to create in general. Creating something lovely stirs something inside me like nothing else. Now I am not wildly talented at any form of art but I love it. I do think that is one of the reasons I enjoy working with kids, they are always imagining and creating. The Etsy market is quite saturated and I thought a blog might help with getting my little shop out there. Well I cannot say that the blog has been successful at that aspect of it. However it has provided an outlet for me to share pieces of this new life I am now living, the life where someone calls me "momma".

I keep imagining different routes I could go with this little space that I have to share... I could try my hand at creating recipes, I could share in detail the steps we have taken as a family to minimize our exposure to chemicals and pesticides, I could post crafts...but so many others are doing that. I am not sure I have any thing new to add to those topics. Maybe I'll just stick with what I've been doing, sharing my experiences.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad